PokéBase - Pokémon Q&A
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This is the most confusing move I can think of. Maybe Pokemaster knows the answer. I don't know who is right, DT or Swampert.
Do some moveset questions now, im kind of bored.:)
You'll see why I asked this question when I do my moveset.
Yeah, let me guess, your Lopbunny knows magic coat.
The set I have for it has it as well.

3 Answers

2 votes
Best answer

Neither of the existing answers seem very sure. But yes, Taunt is reflected by Magic Coat (and the Ability equivalent, Magic Bounce).

Magic Coat (Bulbapedia)

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3 votes

I don't think so, no, because its not a status move. And Taunt does stop Taunt.

EDIT: I was just reading about status ailments and taunt, being a status move, would be bounced back, I think.

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3 votes

Try this, from smogon.

* All moves that induce status as their only effect (including Yawn), except Teeter Dance
* All moves that do no damage but alter the target's stats (including Flatter and Swagger), except Defog and Memento
* Attract
* Block
* Gastro Acid
* Leech Seed
* Mean Look
* Spider Web
* Worry Seed
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But Serebii.net says that magic coat also bounces back Stat altering moves.
But it doesn't actually alter your stats, it just makes you attack directly.
According to bulbapedia, Magic Coat reflects back status ailments. When I clicked on Status Ailments which was highlighted, it showed Taunt as a Status ailment.
All right, look at my eedit, I saw the same thing.
Changed mine as well.
I'm saying it will. these are the moves that magic coat CAN block.
Hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm, this will get interesting, I wonder who voted this question down, I voted it up!
So we both think the same thing, hmmmmm, I wonder what pokemaster has to say.