Hippowdon @ Assualt Vest
Ability: Sand Stream
EVs: 252 HP / 252 Atk / 4 SpD
Adamant Nature
- Earthquake
- Fire Fang
- Stone Edge
- Crunch / Thunder Fang
Hippowdon is a great Pokémon, not to mention very underused, being in the UU tier, thanks to the weather being nerfed. It has great attack, higher than the OU Lucario and Infernape, and fellow UU Pokemon, Arcanine. It's defense and HP isn't lacking either, being higher than popular walls, like Slowbro, Heatran, and the ever-so popular Tyranitar. Along with a movepool and ability just screaming TANK, I wonder why it's not more used, then I remember Tyranitar, with a much higher attack, special defense, and a mega evo. Speaking of SPD, Hippowdon suffers the same problem as Conkeldurr, has it's stats high in all the right places, but suffers from special attackers, keeping it in UU, with it's threats, like Suicune, Vapereon, Celebi, Roserade, etc. And unless it gets a boost in Omega Ruby and Alpha Sapphire, it will stay there. But I try to give underused Pokémon power, along with unique movesets, just try to wreck OU Pokémon with NU. This is one of those sets, being an Assault Vest Hippowdon. Unless you are new to Gen 6, I bet you know what it does, but allow me to say for those who don't. Assault Vest gives the Pokemon holding it a 1.5x boost in special defense, but only allows attacking moves. Conkeldurr comes back into play with this, being it's main held item now, with the major buff to Knock Off, along with it's popular Drain, Mach, and Ice punches, it uses the Assault Vest to perfection. Hippowdon can't really utilize it as well, but it still gives it the bulk it needs in SPD.
Earthquake: You MUST be new to competitive if you question why a Pokémon would carry Earthquake, especially since it gets STAB as well.
Fire Fang: To deal with Grass and Ice Types, along with pesky Scizor and Skarmory, and maybe get a burn.
Stone Edge: High crit rate, great power, and coverage for Flying and Ice types.
Crunch/Thunder Fang: Crunch for coverage or Thunder Fang for chance to para and cover Water and Flying Types.