PokéBase - Pokémon Q&A
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Like Chansey, or Snorlax, or Clefairy.. That kinda stuff.. And this is all with a ditto..


1 Answer

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Best answer

Full Incense

>Causes Snorlax to produce a Munchlax Egg while at the Pokémon Day Care.

Lax Incense

>Causes Wobbuffet to produce a Wynaut Egg while at the Pokémon Day Care.

Luck Incense

>Causes Chansey and Blissey to produce a Happiny Egg while at the Pokémon Day Care.

Odd Incense

>Causes Mr. Mime to produce a Mime Jr. Egg while at the Pokémon Day Care.

Pure Incense

>Causes Chimecho to produce a Chingling Egg while at the Pokémon Day Care.

Rock Incense

>Causes Sudowoodo to produce a Bonsly Egg while at the Pokémon Day Care.

Rose Incense

>Causes Roselia and Roserade to produce a Budew Egg while at the Pokémon Day Care.

Sea Incense

>Causes Marill and Azumarill to produce an Azurill Egg while at the Pokémon Day Care.

Wave Incense

>Causes Mantine to produce a Mantyke Egg while at the Pokémon Day Care.


I love Weird things ¯(°_o)/¯

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thanks abnormal
No Problem.
...... Huh?
cool. 'cause i almost threw my Pkmn B1 out my window while trying to get a bonsly