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I bought Pokemon Black Version 2 few days ago and I finished it already and was wondering if I could breed a



With any of the Pokemon catchable in Black Version 2 (AKA W/O Poke Tranfersing,Trading etc)


1 Answer

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Let's see:

Chimchar's egg groups are [Field][1] and [Human-like][2]. So, it can breed with any B/W (2) Pokemon of the same egg group. No need for both the groups to match.

Charmander's egg groups are [Dragon][3] and [Monster][4]. So, it can breed with any B/W (2) Pokemon of the same egg group. No need for both the groups to match.

Note: The Pokemon hatched from the egg will of the same species as the female Pokemon.
[1]: http://pokemondb.net/mechanics/egg-groups/field
[2]: http://pokemondb.net/mechanics/egg-groups/human-like
[3]: http://pokemondb.net/mechanics/egg-groups/dragon
[4]: http://pokemondb.net/mechanics/egg-groups/monster

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That shows uncatchable pokemon,I'm asking are these breedable w/o Trading | Poke Tranfersering | Dream World and any other source of obtaining other gen pokemon i missed.
woops ! didnt read it properly.. Hang on I'll change it.
So I HAVE to have a Charmander(or Charmeleon/Charizqard) | Chimchar ( or Monferno/Infernape) just to breed their baby form?  I can't breed 2 of the matching same egg types and might get lucky and get a Charmander/Chimchar w/o a Charmander/Chimchar?
huh? I dint get ya...
As for the second q, NO.
ok thanks