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3 Answers

5 votes
Best answer

Deoxys-attack has the highest base attack of any pokemon, standing at a whopping 180. But that's just stats. there are ways to still have some particular pokemon with the highest attack. Marowak has a base attack of 80, but when holding a thick club, his attack power is doubled. With Proper training, this can make it a very powerful pokemon. Medicham has the ability Pure power, doubling its attack power. same thing with Azumarill and huge power. Rampardos has the highest attack power of any non legendary pokemon with an astounding 165 base power. Pikachu has doubled power with a light ball. There are other ways to boost for high attack, like stat boosts, the combinations are numerous. Some other pokemon with high attack are:


You can go here and see the list from highest to lowest of every pokemon's stats.

I smell a trick room set. Assuming you meant to say low speed.
Of course, Trick Room. I should have thought of that. However, why low defensive stats? Rhyperior would be an incredible choice with Trick Room.
I do want one with low speed. I like playing mind games with my opponent. The guy I faced before rematched me, and I have a plan to beat his team (he really only uses sweepers)The way I see it, they see that pokemon out, they just think I'm trying to sweep them, and he'll try to take them out first. So by sending out this frail pokemon, he'll go straight into attacking. That's when I switch to my straegy pokemon, trap him in, and begin setting up my real strategy. He has high speed pokemon, So I want My slow walls and slow sweepers to destroy him with trick room, after setting up a few entry hazards, or toxi-stalling a bit. I'm still working out the details. The low defense is to better entice my opponent to attack me. Plus I can use that to my advantage and use pokemon like wobbuffet or maybe shedinja ( if I feel lucky) and get essentially a free switch.
If you want low Speed and high attack, Curse can also work very well.
I understand now, bait your opponent so they waste a turn. Then switch into a real plan. But When people see Rampardos, most of the time you have a trick room pokemon to help him out, if all of your pokemon have low speed, you cover is blown. Perhaps have a few fast ones to throw them off. (plus if you trick roomer faints, your only have slow walls too damaged to do their job. )
11 votes

The highest possible Attack you can get is baton Passing Iron Defense to a Shuckle, and using Power Swap. By doing this, you double your Defense Stat, resulting in a maximum possible Attack stat of 1228.

Pairing this with a STAB Stone Edge or capped Gyro Ball, results in the most powerful moves in the game, capable of emptying any hacked Pokemon's 999HP (theoretically).

Of course, you already picked a great answer, but I figured I'd answer the question in a different way (A more literal way, that is :P).

Wow. Just wow. That is very poweful.
Just get Mr.Mime with Baton Pass, Iron Defense (No lie, he learns it), and Trick Room ready. Iron Defense makes Mr.Mime survive longer, and makes this easier to pull off.

With the Max Defense, activate Trick Room, then Baton Pass in Shuckle, and use Power Swap. Voila!

If you survive that one turn of vulnerability, you basically win. :P

EDIT: Oh right, when you need to survive a turn, that's where you make Shuckle hold Focus Sash!
I wonder why the game developers gave Mr. mime iron defense, seeing as he already had barrier.
Obviously, they used it, alongside Barrier, to counter Imprison, because Imprison is SOOOOOOO common.

All sarcasm and joking aside I agree. It's pretty pointless. :P
4 votes

I know that this answer is extremely late, but there are some newer ways to get the highest stats possible in Pokemon. All of these have been tested using Pokemon Showdown. Additionally, the special defense and speed methods were available to you during the time of the post, so the other answers are incorrect.

Disclaimer: I will say "a move that doesn't affect" a certain Pokemon multiple times throughout this answer. This just means that the move does not affect that Pokemon's stats or HP. You may use many moves that boost your stats such as Swords Dance or Calm Mind. This move may also be Protect (In some cases) and Substitute (In some cases).

Highest HP Possible: A level 100 Blissey with at least 252 EVs and 31 IVs in HP, giving it a total of 714 HP

Highest Attack Possible and Highest Stat Possible:

1. A level 100 Shuckle with at least 252 EVs and 31 IVs in defense, with a defense boosting nature
2. Shuckle must have Power Trick and Shell Smash
3. A Bunnelby or Diggersby with Huge Power and U-turn
4. Other team must have a Pokemon with Skill Swap that is faster than Bunnelby or Diggersby and knows 1 move that doesn't affect Shuckle
5. Other team must have another Pokemon with Trick and must hold a Choice Band

Achieve By:
1. Sending out Bunnelby or Diggersby and the other team must send out the Pokemon with Skill Swap
2. Other Pokemon uses Skill Swap while Bunnelby or Diggersby uses U-turn and sends out Shuckle
3. Other Pokemon uses Skill Swap again while Shuckle uses Power Trick
4. Other Pokemon uses the move that doesn't affect Shuckle (Not Trick) while Shuckle uses Shell Smash
5. Other Pokemon switches into the Pokemon that knows Trick while Shuckle uses Shell Smash
6. Other Pokemon that knows Trick uses Trick while Shuckle uses Shell Smash to give Shuckle the Choice Band
7. Shuckle now has 7,368 attack

Highest Defense Possible:

1. A level 100 Shuckle with at least 252 EVs and 31 IVs in defense, with a defense boosting nature
2. Shuckle cannot have Contrary
3. Shuckle must have Defense Curl or Withdraw
4. Other team must have Alolan Persian with Fur Coat, Assist, and 1 move that doesn't affect Shuckle
5. Other team must have only 1 other Pokemon and it can only know Entrainment or Skill Swap

Achieve By:
1. Sending out Shuckle and Alolan Persian
2. Alolan Persian uses Assist, which can only be turned into Entrainment or Skill Swap to give Shuckle Fur Coat ability while Shuckle uses Defense Curl or Withdraw
3. Alolan Persian uses the other move that doesn't affect Shuckle while Shuckle uses Defense Curl or Withdraw
4. Repeat step 3 four more times
5. Shuckle now has 4912 defense

Highest Special Attack Possible:

1. A level 100 Deoxys Attack with at least 252 EVs and 31 IVs in special attack with a special attack boosting nature
2. Deoxys Attack must know Nasty Plot and hold a Choice Specs

Achieve By:
1. Sending out Deoxys Attack
2. Deoxys Attack uses Nasty Plot
3. Repeat Step 1 two times
4. Deoxys Attack now has 3,024 special attack

Highest Special Defense Possible:

1. A level 100 Shuckle with at least 252 EVs and 31 IVs in special defense, with a special defense boosting nature
2. Shuckle must know at least 1 move that is an attacking move
3. Shuckle must hold an Assault Vest
4. Another Pokemon on the opposing team that knows Metal Sound

Achieve By:
1. Sending out Shuckle and the Pokemon that knows Metal Sound and is on the opposing team
2. Pokemon that knows Metal Sound uses Metal Sound
3. Repeat step 2 twice
4. Shuckle now has 3,684 special defense

Highest Speed Possible:

1. A level 100 Deoxys Speed with at least 252 EVs and 31 IVs in speed, with a speed boosting nature
2. Deoxys Speed must know Fling and Agility and hold an item that can be flung using Fling
3. A Drifblim or a Drifloon with Unburden and Skill Swap and 1 other move that doesn't affect Deoxys Speed

Achieve By:
1. Sending out Deoxys Speed and Drifblim/Drifloon
2. Deoxys Speed uses Agility while Drifblim/Drifloon uses Skill Swap
3. Deoxys Speed uses Fling while Drifblim/Drifloon uses the move that doesn't affect Deoxys Speed
4. Deoxys Speed uses Agility while Drifblim/Drifloon uses the move that doesn't affect Deoxys Speed
5. Repeat step 4 once
6. Deoxys Speed now has 4,032 speed

I hope that this information is helpful or feeds your curiosity.

I'll commend you for having a good answer, that's for sure