Maybe mentioning on the other trainers that each of them specializes in a specific stat.
Cheryl: Hit-points
Buck: Defense and Special Defense
Marley: Speed
Riley: Attack
Mira: Special Attack
It is nothing Major I just though it might be worth noting and could help people new to Pokemon in defeating them. Example: You know Mira uses fast Pokemon so Trick-room or Faster Pokemon are useful or you know Mira uses Special Attackers so you use Pokemon with High Special defense etc.
Also adding Gen IV/III TMs and Move tutor moves the moveset searcher.
Maybe giving Mods/Editors the ability to make resolved Questions not able to be answered. That way we do not have tons of new users repeating what other users have already said. Also having Mods/Editors capable of unsealing questions if it is found that the it is not actually resolved or new information is released(Though one would only seal if they were 100% sure it was resolved).
I hope you consider them :D You are doing a great job!