Allot of people recently including my self have been wondering about the whole expert status thing.
Some have been saying its a meaningless title as its just the same as hitting 6000 which may seem odd coming from top users but it seems a valid point.
Why do we have Experts handpicked, they are only ever picked when they hit 6000?
-We can already edit at 6000 so why handpick?
-If people are handpicked points shouldnt matter right?
-Would it not make more sense to be automaticly assigned Expert status when hitting 6000?
Why should you need 6000 to edit?
-Expert is not just any old easy receivable privalige, why should registered users get the same privlages?
-Why 6000? Why shouldn't people like Unrecognizable who is a big help on Pokebase, a decent contributer to Meta and Bs and a loyal databaser be able to edit. (Answer he has 4000 points, well thats a very good amount, why should points matter so much)
-Would it not be easyer if mods could give users extra privlages for certain sections? (i know this one sounds a little odd)
So Why are Experts handpicked? Why do they have the same privlages as a registered user can receive?
Sorry for bugging you but id just like some explinations as im very confused :D What is the meening of expert nower days?