Meta-PokéBase Q&A
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We are close to 50 Experts. 49, to be exact. That's a LOT. I know, people deserve Expert having gotten six thousand points and all that, but say one person who's an Expert got hacked? It happens, and could cause a lot of trouble. Besides that, it puts a lot of power in the hands of those who don't need it, want it or maybe deserve it. It's become more of a trend than an accomplishment. "Yay, I'm Expert" is the usual plain reaction on someone's profile.

My suggestion is that you raise it back to ten thousand, like before. This will raise dedication to the site, improve quality of answers, and overall make everyone better at answering questions. Like, remember Halcyonic Falcon? He worked real hard to become Expert at the time when it was ten thousand. Another thing, the question quality isn't that great. Sure we have some hard-to-answer questions, but most are something someone can easily answer, and I think that it's not right that people can editing powers because they know where to find Everstones.

You don't have to agree with me, but at least hear me out. See this and check how many Experts there are, most aren't even active. So, in short, my suggestion is raise the Expert reaching points to ten thousand. That will take out a good fraction of Experts and lower the "OP privileges rate". Although I'm still rooting for being able to get and odd number of points.

Why not just back to the idea of hand-picked Experts like so many people wanted? I think that's a much better idea.

>And think about it, the site's growing. Just as there's more and more questions being asked, there's more and more answers. There's been a flood with people with 1000 points on Meta recently, something that used to be an actual achievement/milestone in points.

I wholeheartedly agree with this statement, this is another option. Handpicked Experts.

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I like the idea of hand picking experts. Moderators aren't biased from what I know, they'll be able to tell when people deserve expert. This way we'll also avoid the "what happens to the current experts?" thing, we can just keep the active experts and everything will be fine (plus Fritjof to keep DT happy).
Or maybe we could just leave it as it is, having more experts isn't harming us. We have worse things to worry about, e.g. getting more editors and somebody who can cover European timezones.
Current experts would stay expert. Except the inactives.
This again. :/ I thought this was resolved.
I don't see a problem with having lots of Experts. We have some users who have earned a tiny bit more power, so what?  As many people say, Experts can't even do that much, and IMO, 6,000 takes long enough that whoever gets it has at least some experience. Most are inactive, and even more barely even use it.
It should be noted 6k still takes quite a long time. Two months of answer spammong takes hard work. :P
"Current experts would stay expert. Except the inactives minus Fritjof."


1 Answer

10 votes
Best answer

I'm not going to be doing this. Experts gain the ability to edit posts. IMO there is nothing wrong with having more people who can edit posts, as it should improve the overall quality of the site.

There is maybe a higher chance of something bad happening, but there are enough people on here who would notice someone making a mess of things.

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