Behold the best walling setup in history!
Ability: Sturdy, Prankster, Mountaineer
Egg group| Mineral
HP: 60
Att: 20
Def: 150
Sp.Att: 25
Sp.Def: 150
Speed: 5
Total: 410
1 Seismic Toss 1rollout 1 foresight 1 harden 1sharpen 1 pound 7 Rock Throw 11 Bide
16 Seismic toss 20 power gem 25 Double kick 30 swagger 34 Magnitude 37 Protect
41 Crunch 46 stealth Rock 50 Rock Wrecker 55 Iron Defence 65 fissure 70 shell smash
Egg Moves: Spikes, Stealth Rock, Iron Defence, Rollout
HM's: Cut, Rock Smash, Surf
TM's: Hone Claws, Calm Mind, Roar, Toxic, bulk up, hidden power, taunt, ice beam, blizzard, hyper beam, light screen, protect, safeguard, frustration, solar beam, thunderbolt, thunder, earthquake, return, dig, shadow ball, brick break, double team, reflect, sludge wave, flamethrower, sludge bomb, sandstorm, fire blast, rock tomb aerial ace, torment, facade, rest, attract, thief, low sweep, round, focus blast, energy ball, false swipe, fling, charge beam, Will-o-wisp, embargo, explosion, payback, retaliate, giga impact, rock tomb, flash, stone edge, volt switch, thunder wave, gyro ball, swords dance, psych up, bulldoze, rock slide, dragon tail, poison jab, grass knot, swagger, sleep talk, u-turn, substitute, flash cannon, trick room, wild charge, rock smash, snarl, nature power, Dark pulse, Pwr-up Punch, confide
Waller with prankster...
Nuf said...