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1 Answer

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PokeBase uses Gravatar to supply avatars. Gravatar is used by many websites and forums, so you may already be familiar with it (most notably, it's owned by WordPress). In any case, you can follow the steps below to add an avatar to your PokeBase account.

The system works by checking your email address on PokeBase, and matching it to one of the email addresses connected to your Gravatar account. Make sure you've got an email you can use for both websites.


  1. Choose to show your avatar on PokeBase. To do this, login to your PokeBase account, and go to your account settings. Next to the column that says 'Avatar', select 'Show my Gravatar'. If you haven't used Gravatar before, you'll receive a basic blue avatar at first. Otherwise, your pre-existing avatar will appear here (and you may choose to stop now).

  2. Create a Gravatar/WordPress account (or login to your existing one). Go to the Gravatar website, press the blue "Sign up" button, and follow the prompts. If you already have an account, click "Sign in" at the top of the page and follow the prompts.

  3. Confirm your email for both Gravatar/WordPress and PokeBase. Check your inbox for the confirmation links, including in your spam folder. If needed, re-send a PokeBase link here.

  4. Go to Gravatar's main menu. If you're signed in, you will see a page that allows you to add email addresses and avatars. Ensure the email address you used to sign up to PokeBase is selected. If the email you used to sign up to PokeBase isn't listed, you need to add it and confirm it.

  5. Upload an avatar. To do this, click 'Add a new image', or go directly to the upload page. Once you've uploaded the image, crop it to your liking and then select the 'G' maturity rating. Don't set an inappropriate avatar.

  6. Wait. If you've followed the steps properly, the avatar will link to your PokeBase account automatically. It may take a few minutes for the avatar to appear. If you replaced an existing avatar and it's not showing, try reloading PokeBase with Ctrl + Shift + R (which overrides cached images in your browser).

To change your avatar, simply upload a new image to Gravatar and then select it underneath the 'Pick new image' heading. Make sure the correct email address is highlighted when you do this. You can turn off your Gravatar at any time via your Gravatar settings or your PokeBase settings.

Note that moderators can block your avatar from appearing on PokeBase if it is inappropriate, and obviously you can't undo that yourself.

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Um, isn't there a way WITHOUT having to sign up on Gravatar?
That is the system this site uses for getting a profile picture, so its the only way!
Um, this doesn't work for me. I made an account, and added my email address that I used for to make an account, but I still don't have a pic. Help?
Make sure you open the link on the confirmation email
make sure you're going to the website where you got your image from, then copy the URL, (bar above) and paste it into the url box, unless it's on your desktop or somewhere else.
Hmm... that's never happened to me before Grovyle Lover25. I'll list the exact steps to make sure you can get it.
1. Select the blue 'Create a Gravatar' Button.
2. Log on using the same email that you use for this website.
3. Make a password. Remember It.
4. Open another tab or window, and Google search the image.
5. When you find it, click on it.
6. Then select the grey button that says: View  Image.
7. Double click the bar at the top of the page. It should be highlighted.
8. Copy it by hitting command + C.
9. Go back to the gravatar page, and select 'An image on the internet.'
10. It will ask you to paste it in a box. So do that by command + V.
11. Select 'Next.'
12. You may crop the image if you wish. Then continue.
13. Click on the G rating box.
Then it should finish,
That's when you go to your account settings on the Database, and under the avatar section, you select the image, and save your profile.
Hope this helps. :)  (Sorry for such a long comment)
Does it have to be Gravatar or can it be anything?
Yes it has to be Gravatar because they are the people that will apply the image you selected.
I made a gravatar but it doesn't appear on my account, what da heck
It has now. Have some patience, it doesn't work instantly.
click save profile then see
Click "edit profile", a part saying "show gravatar" should be there. Tick yes, it should show up.
i have no clue how to change it
It says quite clearly in the answer what you must do. Can you be more specific as to what you are having trouble with?
I converted your answer to a comment BTW since it was responding to this post.
OK, but how do you change your Gravatar though? It doesn't let me do it....
What is going wrong when you try to change your avatar? Is it a problem on this site, or is the Gravatar service not working?
Well, I don't even know where to upload the picture to Gravatar.
If you have made a Gravatar/WordPress account, then you should be able to go to and find the option to add an image down the bottom of the page. From there the process should be fairly straightforward. Leave another message if you're still having trouble.
I tapped "create a gravatar" and it took me to... A blank screen. Please help thanks :P there was just a W in a circle.
I did everything you said and it still doesn't show up... I'm confused
Basic troubleshooting:
1. Double-check your Gravatar/Wordpress email address matches the email you use on PokeBase. Be especially careful if you already had a Wordpress account before coming across Gravatar.
2. Make sure that you've actually set the avatar to display for your email address. It is possible to upload an avatar, but not set it to be active. Follow the two steps in the headings on:
3. If you selected a high maturity rating for the avatar you uploaded, then it won't be displayed on PokeBase. Choose the lowest rating.
4. Make sure that you've confirmed your main email address for both Gravatar/Wordpress and PokeBase. If you've added multiple email addresses to your Gravatar account, make sure the one you used on PokeBase is confirmed.
5. It's possible that Gravatar is experiencing server issues, and an unusually long delay is occurring. In the past, people's avatars have eventually displayed after many hours. Some more patience might be enough.
6. If the avatar isn't appearing, try clearing your browser cache, or hard-reload the page using Ctrl+Shift+R.
I've now also updated the answer with an in-depth, step-by-step process for adding avatars. Reading it might help you determine what the issue was.
For like 1% of you who are wondering:
No it does not work in China. You may be able to see others' Gravs, but you can't access the site itself unless you have VPN.