Meta-PokéBase Q&A
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Hello folks.

I was thinking about how can we improve this superb site and had an idea: Because a lot of users in this site are high ranking in RMT, and create nice teams that function well and the rates are pretty good, I believe we should be including a thread:

  • It will concern every tier, but one question per tier.
  • I answer the question I ask myself by the name of a Pokémon in the tier, and someone comments by posting counters to this Pokémon.

For example, in the UU thread, say I answer "Arcanine".
Someone comments and says:
"Slowbro is a good check against Arcanine, just fearing Crunch or Wild Charge. It is hard to switch against Arcanine because of the diversity of the moves it can use - I point at you the Flare Blitz, Close Combat and Crunch. Other ones include Milotic, as it is bulky enough to endure Arcanine's attacks and can KO, or at best 2HKO with Scald."

I believe we can start the thread when the forum will be up.

PS: All of my ideas can be deleted, changed or accepted.

Hope you like it :)

~ Blitz of Justice, your fellow servant.

I like the idea, but it would be messy to pull of for a number of reasons.
Tiers constantly change, causing new threats to arise and old ones to fall behind.
Answering via comments is far from ideal. Mentioning a Pokemon can be one word, how to counter them can be both many and long.
Most Pokemon are easily counterable and don't need a question about it. Albeit things like Cresselia or Xeraneas require slightly more finess than Blissey to counter, most Pokemon are easily defeated or have very natural counters.
Overall it would probably be easier for anyone ask individual question regarding Pokemon they have issues with, rather than clumping them all together and answering via comments,
I thought so. But if the Forum will ever be, then this idea could be applied with a lot more ease.
Puhlease, Slowbro is way too good to fear Arcanine.

1 Answer

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Best answer

Wait until the forum... and we probably won't do this. Use Smogon for this stuff.

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M'Okay. Thanks.