Recently I'm seeing a lot of "which Pokemon is better" questions, which usually don't have context, i.e. the rest of the team, so there is absolutely no way of saying which is "better". Listing pros & cons doesn't work either because it still depends on the team as to which Pokemon to pick.
Additionally, I still don't think "which Pokemon should I use for this team" questions should be allowed because it's essentially asking for others to make someone's team for them. Granted, it's not asking us to make their whole team for them, but even on the RMT rules it says:
>Full teams only: In general this means 6 Pokemon for 6v6 singles. Doubles teams would be 4 Pokemon. If you don't have a 6th Pokemon then put something in and say you are not sure about it and would like more suggestions.
so you should still come up with a moveset/ items/ ability/ nature et. al for a Pokemon and not ask someone to pick for you.
Can we just resolve this once and for all and say that these questions are not allowed because they're too opinionated?