Meta-PokéBase Q&A
1 vote

Can we please have a tighter policy on so called necro-posting? It's irritating and against the rules, but no one seems to be doing much about it other than the odd comment from a normal user.

For those who do not know, necro-posting is when someone either answers an old question which already has an answer (answering unresolved questions or threads is fine) or comment on an old post. It's very annoying, and while isn't a huge problem that needs immediate attention, I still felt a personal need to address this issue.

If the post is rejected, then let me just write up a little address for future reference:

Cans and can Not's


  • Post on threads such as moveset questions
  • Answer an older question without a good answer already
  • Answering an unresolved post or a post with a bad answer (this still
    may be hidden or flagged, depends)


  • Answer or comment on a general question or answer that does not
    require it
  • Reply to a post or comment that was made far before you (there are
    dates for a reason
  • Answering outdated, closed or irrelevant threads i.e old name change threads, etc
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*quietly waits six months*
Ikr? :P

1 Answer

4 votes
Best answer

Necroposting is allowed. It isn't rule-breaking unless you fail to give a better answer. You can comment on dead anything.

>I don't think it's a huge deal as new comments only show up in the "All Activity" page, not on the home page or Questions page. Having said that, comments should be on topic and regarding the particular post.

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