Meta-PokéBase Q&A
2 votes
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Strictly speaking, what you did was ‘necro-posting’, but it’s 100% fine if you are adding insight, as mentioned below.

2 Answers

5 votes
Best answer

A necropost is any post on a question that is old that doesn't add any new, useful, or relevant information. For example, if you were to post "turtles are my fave" or something else similar on a three year old question about, for example, the locations of all of the fossils in each game.
To avoid necroposting, just try to not post irrelevant information on questions older than a few months. Only post on old questions and answers if you know for a fact that you are adding both new and relevant information.

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4 votes

to post in a thread that has been "dead", by being inactive for a relatively long period.


Those questions are very old and dead, so answering them is considered necroposting. If the answer changed, I don't see anything wrong with it, though.

I upvoted because i want you to have more points than Leafyblade
I want more points than PM. upvote me everyone
Buddy Voting is not allowed :|
I know, it was nothing but a joke. Do you know PM can answer every question of this site?
What did i do to you evil twinneedle
+LeafyBlade nothing, it’s just that you were commenting on eXcess’s wall how you had more points than him even though he’s been on db 3 times as much as you and I thought that doesn’t sound right so yeah
I wasn't trying to rub it into his face i was just surprised
Oh ok I wasn’t sure at the time :)