Meta-PokéBase Q&A
0 votes

Now I'm not saying unlimited BAs can be given for every question but some questions have numerous good, and different, answers like those for moveset questions (if a Pokemon is equally as good for different roles) and so more than 1 answer could be considered 'the best'.

There would have to be some moderation so as to ensure that this ability isn't abused like only certain questions have this ability [see final statement] and moderators and what-not can take off all BAs - besides the original BA - and restrict more than 1 BA being given for a question [done on individual cases].

(This is for questions with opinionated answers not those with just facts needed as they only need 1 BA.)

That's why upvotes exist. It's not compulsory to give out BA; you can just upvote each deserving answer.
Yeah, I suppose you don't have to give BA.

1 Answer

5 votes
Best answer

"Best" means better than everything else, so you can't have more than one "Best"

Also none of us moderators really want this hassle because SO many people would use it would break the system and our efforts.

Also our platform Q2A cannot do this, so it is impossible anyways.

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Ok, thanks.