Meta-PokéBase Q&A
0 votes

I'm new to this site (I've literally just joined today), and I've posted a question, but after an hour it hasn't uploaded. It is similar but not the same as a question that has already been asked, but the answers to that question can't help me solve my problem.

Do I have to wait a long time, or is there something wrong with my post?

Here is the question:


1 Answer

0 votes

Answered this before, but to avoid confusing you any more, I won't hide this and I'll just copypaste.

>That's because your posts need to be checked by editors and mods first. When a new user makes a post, it doesn't go through. It gets sent to the admin, a section that only staff members can access. They look over it to clarify that it isn't spam and that it fits with the rules, and if it needs those guidelines, they show it and it gets revealed to the public (thus showing up on your user page). We're usually pretty good with this, but there are slight gaps in timezones, and it's a busy time of year so you may end up waiting a while.

We will definitely get to it eventually, just have some patience. By the way, try not to post the same question twice, as it does not make it any faster. The question you linked there was hidden as a duplicate, but your original post was shown, available here. Welcome to the site btw :)
