Meta-PokéBase Q&A
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that we use while PM is dealing with the real world. The post would be closed / locked to all but moderaters (editors? experts?) to prevent... stuff. When PM becomes active and we get a bunch of news, this also makes it easier for him by collecting the information in one place.

TL;DR: Make a "news" meta post, for while PM deals with the real world.

Define "news". What KIND of news?
I was thinking about events, or stuff important enough to make the community aware of (like teasers for a new game, or new pokemon).

1 Answer

3 votes
Best answer

There are already some news posts around, e.g. this.

But I want to clarify something: I post exactly all the news I want to post on the home page. I don't usually post about spinoff games and never post about the anime/manga and such. If something is not on the home page, 99% of the time I don't want it there.

The one exception is Pokemon events, which I do keep forgetting to post. I started work on a proper events database a while back but haven't got around to completing it. At some point I'll set this up so that it's easier for me to update, and visitors can contribute too.

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Cool, thanks for reading.