Meta-PokéBase Q&A
0 votes

My activity page is being really weird. I had 50 points, 4 answers, and 1 upvote on it when I last checked. Then, when I logged on a few days later, it now says I have 0 points, 0 answers and 0 upvotes. Then, when I leave and log back on, it now says I have 20 points, 2 answers and 0 upvotes. Then, I leave my profile to check some things out, and it now says I have 0 points, 0 answers, and 0 upvotes again. Can someone tell me what's going on since it's really annoying.


1 Answer

1 vote

Were you viewing your profile from different sections each time you clicked on it? If so, that's what is causing this. Your point values (and all your votes, answers etc.) are counted separately across each section. So if you earn 30 points in the PokeBase, that won't carry over to the Meta section or the Battle Subway and vice versa.

See for yourself: your Meta page has 0 points, your Battle Subway page has 20 points and your standard PokeBase page has 50 points.
