Meta-PokéBase Q&A
9 votes

Like we can staple in a clock somewhere like in the title bar to the right of "Pokemon Database" or put it to the left of "Chat Room" in the chat room, this can help clear up confusion with timezones too in a fashion as users will be forced to acknowledge the fact we have a time :T

  • Would it be possible to have a way to view what time it was in another timezone too? (like click the clock or something and check whatnots)

  • This can help with organizing meetings between users for battles, trades, and other information that'd be better to have in chat instead of elsewhere.

:x just an idea, sorry for adding more to the plate if it's a good idea.
I like it.
oh my god you actually suggested it
But this actually sounds like a REALLY good idea!
Thos would be very helpful, certainly, but it's not like this information is hard to find elsewhere. All iPhones have the feature of showing what the time is anywhere in the world and a basic Google search will bring up a usable timetable for time zones. If it's little work in sure PM wouldn't mind implementing this but it can be found elsewhere pretty easily.
Good idea! I really would like this.
It isn't that hard, I bet if you look, it should be easy to find pre-written code!
Flaf didn't say it was hard, he said the information can be found very easily elsewhere, so PM might not be willing to spend his time embedding code into an existing chatroom and potentially messing up spacing or layout. Honestly we don't even need the clock, we could just have a link on some pages throughout the Q&A with a link to  a time converter.

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