Meta-PokéBase Q&A
2 votes

I believe there should be more types on the competitive pokedex, along with physical sweeper, special sweeper, physical tank, special tank, and wall. To take down a physical tank you want a pokemon with high defense and sp. attack, something I call a physical tankbreaker. Also, if you want to take down a special tank, you want a pokemon with high attack and sp. defense, some thin I call a special tankbreaker. Does anyone else think that it is a good idea to add these types(maybe with better names) to the competitive battling page?

By tankbreaker you mean wallbreaker e.e? There are a tonne of different roles, suicide lead, glass cannon, wallbreaker, stallbreaker, revenge killer, secondary wincon...

Anyway, the site isn't very competitive concious right now. I'm doing my part to change that but I'm very busy myself. These suggestions would probably have slightly lower priority in terms of additions to the site. That being said I'm all for continuing a a more competitive revamp.
I do not know the official names, but that sounds about right. I understand the low priority, but it is something to consider adding in the future.
Yeah, that's why I upvoted :3. Also there aren't any 'official' terms, we just go by which terms are used the most and treat them as official to keep things simple, so you weren't technically wrong.
OK. Thanks.

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