Meta-PokéBase Q&A
1 vote

Is it really that big of a privilege? I think that if more people had this privilege, there would be more BA sprees, the "no selected answers" list won't be filled with resolved questions, and that list would actually be useful.


1 Answer

1 vote

Yes it is a privilege, kinda. The BA should be selected by the person who asked the question, as it's for the answer that best helped them. Mods only select BA after a few weeks, and only if there is a clear best answer.

I guess editors could do that as well, but tbh it doesn't matter if there is a BA selected or not, usually you can see the most upvoted answer.

Then why does the "no selected answer" still exist?
It's still useful to find questions that might not have good answers yet.
But the more questions that have good answers left un-selected, the less useful the list becomes.