Meta-PokéBase Q&A
1 vote

There are 2 "Pokemaster, I can't confirm my email."s now. Is this a bug?

NOTE: One of them was hidden.

NOTE 2: I want the hidden one deleted as fast as possible.

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1 Answer

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I assume this is in reference to one of the many threads you posted about your email problem?

This isn't a glitch, the system doesn't duplicate or randomly create posts like that. They exist because of an action of some sort on your part. The first post linked above is identical to the original version of one of your existing posts, but this is almost certainly because you double clicked the "Ask the Question" button when you were making the post, so it was submitted twice. That's not really an error or "glitch" with the software -- perhaps a filter could be added to catch identical submissions, but it's not important.

For consistency's sake, we will not delete your post. If we delete your post then it looks like we'll delete anyone's post if they ask us to. We don't want that, because some hidden posts are good to keep on record or access in the future. Besides, nobody except you and certain staff members can see that post -- it is essentially deleted from public access anyway.
