Meta-PokéBase Q&A
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Yeah... about a minute ago the site crashed and said something about Los Angeles and CloudDrive.

It happened to me, too! The city it states depends on where you are. For me, it said a different city near me.
I happen to live in Texas.
O_o Wut?
It was in the same state I was in (I'm not from California, or anywhere near the west coast).
Maybe it has something to do with a certain place that handles the Cloud in Los Angeles (or whatever it said for you), and that was the closest one near you? I read that something like this happened some time ago due to too many users accessing the site, maybe that's what happened?
True true...

1 Answer

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Best answer

It was most likely "CloudFlare" which is the Content Delivery Network we use to make the site faster. If there's ever an error on the site it will show an interim page.

I've just been making a few minor changes but it's all been working fine so not sure why you'd see that. Perhaps there was a problem for a split second while some files were being uploaded.

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