Meta-PokéBase Q&A
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So I wanted to welcome new users before sumwun can and I only had the chance to do 3 before the wall post limit. Can you remove or at least be able to post on your own wall?

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PX, what's the difference between remove and delete?
The wall post counter restarts each hour, so in order to welcome as many new users as possible, you need to come back each hour.
I agree that 'remove' is a better term than 'delete', given the context of what you want removed.
I believe that the wall post limit is implemented to prevent bots from making excessive posts. 3 might be a bit low but I think the limit is good for the purpose of preventing bots doing their thing.
Each section counts wall posts separately so the true limit is technically 15

2 Answers

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Best answer

Pokemaster should post an answer after I do when he has the time, though I think I have some sort of idea of what his answer might be, for the time being.

One thing is for sure though, and that is the wall post limit isn't going anywhere. Indigo mentioned in the comments that it helps block spambots, but it is also helpful to stop real people from mindfully and maliciously spamming wall posts to clog the site and create a chore for whomever they wish. Limiting wall posts makes it a lot harder for people to create a problem before somebody does something about it.

With that said though, I do understand your perspective that the wall post limit is a bit restrictive. Whilst I've never had to deal with the limit of 5 posts per hour myself, I can see how it might be inconvenient to people overall. I don't see the harm in bringing the limit up to maybe 10, though Pokemaster might have some further input as to why the limit is at 5 in particular. Changing this is a simple as updating a number in the admin I think, so if you're unhappy with the wall post limit, I'd be discussing what number would be best first of all.

Lifting limitations to your own wall could be opening the door for bots to make accounts dedicated to spamming their own walls with stuff and therefore using PokeBase to boost their search rankings (as is their goal most of the time), though I think the problem here is more to do with the fact there's no way we can remove wall posts without intervention from Pokemaster. But regardless, any type of change with your own wall would have to come with a full update to the software, I don't think there are any options for changing this in the current release since we'd probably have them in some form already.

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I never heard of a Database Bot but whatever.
I don't think I mentioned anything like that -- I'm referring to people who externally write programs designed to automatically spam forum-type services like this one. If someone wrote a program that could locate and target user walls for spam, we'd have a problem if there weren't limitations in place to block the program or "bot".
Each section counts wall posts separately so the true limit is technically 15
2 votes

Fizz is correct that the limit won't be going anywhere for new users. But I think it should be fine to increase the limit for users with more points. That will require some custom code though, so it may be a while before I get around to it...

Okay then, I think that would be fair.