Meta-PokéBase Q&A
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dear Pokemondb admin, i just encounter sliggoo being called by exeggcute in S.O.S battle on Exeggutor Island. i have emailed the detail and a photo of it. the information don't exist at, i hope this information help. thanks

On Exeggutor Island, any Pokemon found in tall grass can call Sliggoo. The fact that yours was an Exeggcute had nothing to do with it.
yes, it was raining
i didn't know that any pokemon on Exeggutor island can call sliggoo, thanks. but the web it self didn't say anything about S.O.S called, so i just want them to add this information on the web
If PM takes forever to see this, don't worry. It usually takes him forever to find his junk.
Yeah, i was hoping that they would update on a small things like this, so the web can give full information, i'm just tired to open so many tabs. Wkwkw

1 Answer

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SOS battles were added to the site ages ago, probably not long after you asked the question :)
