Meta-PokéBase Q&A
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This is an unimportant (and probably stupid) question, but I'm asking it anyway.

As you can see from the image above, when an answer is edited, the most recent activity for that post will say "answer edited [number] [time unit]s ago", and the text that says "answer edited will link to the revisions page for the edited answer. However, when a question is edited, the most recent activity for that post will say "edited [number] [time unit]s ago", but the text that says "edited" will not link to the revisions page for the edited question. Why is that?

EDIT: I know that there is a revisions page for questions. I'm asking why the "edited" text doesn't link to the revisions for the question.

edited by
Yeah, I know that you can see the revisions. I'm asking why the "edited" text in the recent activity page doesn't link to the revisions page.
Which page did you see this on?
I know that it happened on the recent activity page ( ) and the recent activity page for users. I'm not sure if it occurs anywhere else, though.

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