Meta-PokéBase Q&A
3 votes

I know PM cannot add revisions for older comment, but he can add revisions for newer comments.
On a question of sumwun where he asked: why we can't delete our own comments?
Fizz answered:

So that a user can't delete posts that may potentially result in consequences. If we want to ban that user, we need to have proof. If a person can delete their posts, we can't get proof any more.
If a person wants to delete their posts because it's something they don't want editors or mods to see, we definitely want to know about it as it's likely breaking an important rule. For example, a deleting system can be exploited so that can person can make a hurtful or offensive post to a person, then delete it before anyone else sees it.

Well, but anyone can easily edit his own comment.
Example: A person (Imagine it's you)have asked a rule breaking question, but it's flagged and downvoted. So you have become angry and started to commenting rudely with vulgar language.

But then you understand you are going be banned by any Mod (Fizz or Will).

Then you found you can't delete comment, If you hide it, any mod or editor can see it!
An idea have come in your mind. You can edit it!
Then you easily edit it to:
You all are amazing in my eyes! Thanks for bringing my mistake.

Yeah that answer doesn’t make much sense, haha. It’s just nice to have everything on record, should we need to locate anything in the future. (Also, pretty sure the software fully disables the feature unless you’re an admin.)
As for this suggestion, I think it makes sense. Pokemaster might have reasoning as to why it isn’t already added, but it would do no harm the way I see it now. Good to keep everyone honest too.

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