Yes! If there’s some content you’ve written that you want to share, but that doesn’t have a fitting question yet, then you can ask the question yourself and then post your answer to it. Similarly, if you ask a genuine question but later find the answer to it by yourself, you can simply answer your own question. (Don’t simply hide the question, because it might help other people!)
Please remember these points about answering your own question:
- You cannot gain 20 points from selecting your own answer to your own question, but you will gain the extra two.
- If somebody else posts a better answer to the question that you made, then you should award that person the ‘best answer’.
- Please don't post many of these questions at once. We want to keep questions where the author doesn’t know the answer toward the top of navigation.
- If you post many low-quality questions of this sort, we will ask you to stop. Make sure the question will be useful or interesting to other people in the future.