Meta-PokéBase Q&A
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Just want to know it. Can I ask this question? I think this question will probably being many votes, so Movesetbot or any expert can ask this?

Is it allowed, if so, I will ask this.
If I cannot, please anyone ask this.

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The main problem with a question like this is that it's extremely open-ended, obviously more so than moveset questions and also more so than in-game team questions.

1 Answer

1 vote
Best answer

No, this isn’t allowed, sorry. If we were to allow this, then theoretically we’d have to allow anyone to pick out any metagame and ask a similar question for it. This would defeat half the purpose of the RMT section and would cramp the main section’s navigation more than it has been already.

This is not to mention that in competitive, it’s generally frowned upon to go and take someone else’s team off a forum.

Movesetbot will not be posting this either.

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Because those teams are made specifically to represent different playstyles and metas to people who are new to them, and that’s their sole intent. They are there to be instructional and educational, which is think is distinct from someone posting a team because they think it’s good or they want advice for it. It’s assuming that you’re just learning the game, not that you’re trying to find success from someone else’s work.
I don't know man, people never seemed to care if you played with their team that they publicly shared with the community. I would be shocked if tournaments weren't a different deal though.
Players don't use teams that they've showcased for tournaments because the opp could just look it up. Other people can use other people's teams for tournaments if they want, but they usually don't for the same reason. If someone publicly shows a team or set, then someone's gonna use it.
There's that of course, but using somebody else's team for a tournament just seems like kind of a dick move to me. But what do I know