Meta-PokéBase Q&A
1 vote

About a while ago, I posted a tourney suggestion in the thread. It was basically mono generation. It didn't get any upvotes, so I decided to hide it and I posted a new, Pokken Tournament themed one. So, I was on my phone and wasn't logged into my account, but wanted to check if my newest tournament got any comments or votes, and when I clicked the thread, it wasn't there. But, the mono generation tournament was. Did I make a mistake when hiding? Apparently not. I logged in on my phone and when I checked again, the mono generation tourney was hidden and the new tournament was there. What the heck happened? Do I just unhide the mono generation? Please help.

EDIT: I reshowed all my tournaments and the new tournament still doesn't show up unless I'm logged into my account. Is there some type of answer limit that I don't know of?

edited by
ur tourney good

1 Answer

1 vote
Best answer

Your Pokken Tournament is Here, I saw it. I don't know if it was:
A) Your phone didn't show it for some reason
B) If you don't have enough points to post on old threads without moderation (meaning it had to be approved). However, I could only find that it was 200 on Pokebase, I don't know the number for the Meta.

Hope I Helped!

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Oh wow. Thanks :)
And I have 110 pts so I don’t need moderation, but idk.