Meta-PokéBase Q&A
1 vote

The way it works, when someone clicks community, they can also find pokedex, and it would have fan-made pokemon and everything. A template example:

(insert image here)

Category2: [v] (on the press of that button, 3 others would show up: Regular, Mythical, Legendary. I'm not including ultra beats for reasons)
EV Yeild:
Name Origin (Optional):
Pokdex Entrie(s) (use + to seperate entries):
And it goes on like that.

Heres one thing included: Evoloution chart and Creation ID.

Creation ID marks when this pokemon was created, as in if it was the 634th pokemon created, the ID would be 634.

On the evoloution chart, if the pokemon is the evolved form, there would be an option: "reset creation id", so the creation ID would "move others out of the way" and have the creation Id after the preevolved form. the reason this is an option is because, for example, why roselia being introduced in generation 1 (im pretty sure it was 10, roserade and budew were introduced in generation 5.
If the pre-evolved form has a mega evolution, it would be forced to move it to th

the pokemon can not have over ten different evolved forms. The thing IS, say one pokemon had an evolved form, and then that pokemon could still have up to 10 evolved forms.

There would also be this stuff on the template

Check all boxes for what you want this pokémon to have: only one at a time.

Mega evo: []
Mega evo count: [1] [2]
If just 1 mega evo:
Stats: {}atk {}spd {}def {}hp {}spatk {}spdef
Mega stone name: {this part is configured by the computer}
If 2 mega evo:
Stats: {}atk {}spd {}def {}hp {}spatk {}spdef
Mega stone name: {this part is configured by the computer}
Mega stone letter:
Stats: {}atk {}spd {}def {}hp {}spatk {}spdef
Mega stone name: {this part is configured by the computer}
Mega stone letter:

Z-Move: []
Z-Crystal count: [1] [2]
you should know what happens with the z-crystal count and all
Z-Crystal Name: {this part is configured by the computer}
Base power:
Z-Move Name:

edited by
This sounds like a possibly fun project, but it might need moderation. Maybe if people wanted it enough, we could put it on that forum we will get eventually...

My only concerns are:

A: does the community want it?

B: How easy is it to code?

C: what if a lot of ideas are similar?

D: If we moderate this, How so? (like it doesn't have a lot of effort, etc.)

This sounds like a cool idea, Since I am into CAP, but I don't know where it belongs in terms of this site... :P

Good Luck!
This sounds like a complete waste of time and a lot of work
Eh, to some people, but community wide projects can help bring community pride, and to those who participate, be a lot of fun. Maybe, if we were REALLY lucky, and I mean REALLY lucky, we could put a custom format on the DB server that has these CAPs (or a select few) battle, but I (kinda) doubt that. It can still be a fun forum discussion topic, when we get it... *Cough* I really want the forum *Cough*

But I want to hear other's opinions on this.
Well we have this: is here, but its been dead for ages. We can try to revive it or make a new thread.
just post on it and it is back, like when I posted on the pokemon database story: what yours thread it came back for about a week... still.
Maybe, but the asker wanted to know if we could make an official one to this site, as well as have its own system. If we do bring that thread back, 2 things:
A: there are people on there that no longer visit this site, so we can't communicate.
B: Even when we revive threads, the new answers don't get a whole lot of notice...
well... there was no other questions like this, so...

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