Meta-PokéBase Q&A
2 votes

Don't see this on the site. Not sure if it's allowed. I've gotten into PoGo recently and figured this is a great place to have Friends. Not to mention, the long distance bonus is a great plus :p

Include your IGN too.

Please note, any gifts you send will have the location of the Pokestop you got it from, so that'll leave your rough location a available to the receiver. This is a risk you run, please do not answer if you don't want to share which city/country you are from. Further, this thread is also available to anyone from outside the site, so keep that in mind and accept requests from trainers you see on this thread/ trainers who post on your wall.

Also, @auth, is this allowed or do I put others at risk or do they consent to that risk by posting their trainer codes here?

edited by
I’ll allow this, we’ll see how it goes. The main concern is that it will get too big like similar threads of the past, but it’s been a few years so we’ll trial it.
I don’t play Go so I’m not sure what risk would be involved in this, but yeah you take it upon yourself to post stuff here.
How are bigger threads a problem for a site that deals with bouts of inactivity? :P

Also start playing, mate. You've got a data pack, don't you? Or too busy with school?
I once played the game, but I don't have a data pack, ran out of Pokéballs. (Hotdamn, Roselia)

5 Answers

1 vote

This is mine:

IGN: Ant3999

5892 2444 3334
1 vote

Pokémon Go username: thecarnapper5

6857 0975 6301

lol I’m not gonna accept random requests. I’ll probably only accept it if I know who you are.
1 vote

FC: 2175 9497 5573

IGN: PikaPaul900

1 vote

IGN: KirbyCuteKing

FC: 4539 4511 5772

Kirby, IGN stands for in-game name. Your trainer's name inside the game. Yours is thesmasher (something) iirc.
I know what ign is and it is KirbyCuteKing
Emty is right; your IGN for Pokémon Go is TheSmasher1386. I just checked :P
I just recently changed it cause I haven’t played in a long time
Oh ok (filler)
1 vote

I live in Holland, who likes to trade presents with me?
Today (15-09-2018) i am at level 37, team instinct.
My trainercode is: 6157 4833 3434
My name is Prinseske
