Meta-PokéBase Q&A
8 votes

I'm referring to the banner that says "Welcome to the site, Hellfire Taco! This is a bit different to a normal forum, so please make sure you have read the rules before posting, thanks."

I think that it'd be a lot more useful if what it said changed slightly, depending on the section of the site that a user is on. For example, for RMT, it could say something like "This section of the site is for competitive teams. Questions about in game teams are not allowed." along with what's already there.

There should be a link that says: "Click here to learn how to select an answer as best." When you click it, it could lead to some instructional video about selecting an answer as best. First it shows you how to ask a question, and then it tells you once you get an answer for your question how to select the answer as best. And then it zooms into the green check mark before it gets clicked. There also wouldn't be any voices in the video, just words on the screen that would disappear after a few second to prevent the screen from being blocked. Sorry if this comment was a little quirky!

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