Meta-PokéBase Q&A
1 vote

This isn’t really necessary at all, but it would be easier than opening the question and voting on it there.

There's also the argument you should have to read a post in full before giving out votes. I don't mind either way, but I think this can be talked about a bit as well.
I don't think people should vote on questions if they've only read the titles.

1 Answer

2 votes
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This is actually an option built into the software we use. I decided to turn it off when I first made the site because I thought it made more sense to read the whole question before voting, like Fizz said. I think it also saved some space in the original design.

Although for most questions you get the gist just from the title, if you're actually interested in the question you're likely to click through anyway to read more, and read the answers. So that's the logic anyway, but I'm happy to hear more arguments for having the voting on the main page.

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