Lets face it, a lot of parts of the DB is still incomplete. The ItemDex, Maps and Puzzles, etc. Pokemaster, since you are only one person, its impossible to be able to do everything, and still juggle real life and the supposed forum. We have threads like the Minor Errors and Location Guide Correction threads, however, they both have 20+ posts, which already implies a workload of fact-checking and updating the pages. Then, with Gen VIII coming out this year there'll be even more stuff to add including items, pokemon, locations, etc.
I have a list of both small and large suggestions that might help:
Let Mods/Editors edit the grey box in the main pages of the 3 pokebase sections. This would be useful for advertising news for tourneys and such (under the greeting text of course) for users who don't go to Meta often.
Also give Mods/Editors edit minor pages with missing information, ie. Item pages. As long as I could remember, these pages are always said to be done in the future, but afaik the only items with locations are TMs.
An alternate way which is more complicated but is more community involved than simply letting mods edit it themselves. Basically, for any page which has missing locations, users can submit a form, which is put into a queue which mods can fact check, review and edit them, and when approved the pages are automatically updated. The mods can still edit directly. If possible it could also apply for location guide errors.
Idk if anyone still cares about it, but we could revive/reboot the Maps and Puzzles contribution thread. Low priority since I doubt anyone comes here for that nowadays.
Let trusted and capable people here help you code/design the forum. Or let its development be more transparent with us.
I'm not sure what the current situation is with the forum, if it is already being worked on or still on a drafting phase, but you could accept some help, even if it isn't someone from the DB but still someone you trust.You probably already do and I have no idea but thats the other thing, it would be really cool if you could let us know what the status of it is and what is happening.
Sync the Useful Posts and Help Out between the 3 sections and let the mods edit them.
Of course, you don't need to do any of these things and I'm not sure if some of these are possible, but I hope you'd at least acknowledge these issues and suggestions.
If anyone else has any other suggestions please comment.