Meta-PokéBase Q&A
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Yes, I know I wasn't a user during that era, but I ask because Pokemon Sword and Shield are upcoming, which is gonna bring in a whole new generation of Pokemon Trainers who know little about competitive. I'm also aware that this site isn't as active as it was before, but that still isn't a reason why we shouldn't help newcomers. For those who don't know what that is, here's the link:

So the question I'm asking is, if it will be revived sometime in the future by the Moderators, Editors, and Experts?

Considering how many people post a RMT thread and then simply leave the site, I don't think tutoring will work very well. Also I can't think of a good reason to use any tutoring service on this site when Smogon's is obviously better.

1 Answer

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Not at the moment, no. As mentioned by sumwun, our own tutoring system was always overshadowed by Smogon's as a go-to for new competitive players. The program's utility came entirely from members of PokeBase wanting to be tutored by other members of PokeBase -- and although the vote of interest on your part is a good sign, I don't think the demand for that is anywhere near as high as it was five years ago.

However, that doesn't mean we'll never do tutoring again. As you've already mentioned, we could end up with a bigger userbase (and as it relates to tutoring, competitive userbase) once Pokemon is properly established on the Switch. Running programs like tutoring could then make sense if the right demographic comes through. But revamping them now would be preemptive, and would probably result in them dying immediately.

In my opinion, our number one priority in this space should be to revive the RMT section, as a tutoring program isn't likely to pay off until we get those foundations right. I have a rough draft for a thread on that very topic, so stay tuned for that.

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