Meta-PokéBase Q&A
7 votes

Hey DB!

So now that we've got the server up to date and working properly, I think it's time we try to ramp up a more battling-centric userbase. Using the dedicated DB Showdown server, a lot of us have been playing the smogon standardized tiers that Showdown offers, mainly OU, for fun. Every now and then when we have enough users, we'll run single elimination tournaments for the more random metagames too, you should log on, it's lots of fun.

Anyway, the point of this post is to poll the community, do you all want more standardized tournaments with tiers such as OU, UU, Ubers, Monotype, etc.? Or do you want to continue with the old tournament suggestion thread (currently we're on old suggestions from 2014, all of which were voted on by inactive users who will never log in here again). Last time we did something like this was just under 2 years ago in the UU mini-tour, which was a pretty big success having 14 players.

Leave your thoughts, opinions, suggestions below! We're (me <:I) listening.

I see no good reason to play with people from our db-community here when I can play with randoms on Smogon.
Are you implying that the randoms on Smogon are not a community?
You completely misunderstood and what was being said sumwun
In that case, what was being said?
That we wanted regulated tournaments in OUR community, not A community. Playing against people you know and being able to exert a greater influence and be more likely to be heard in decisions and also just be different from smogon has its appeals separate from just fighting randoms on ladder or whatever. Saying the smogon ladder or tours exist is missing the reason why we want these tours here

1 Answer

5 votes
Best answer

Alright, I thought about this and have prepared a different kind of proposal. If you don't like it, that's fine; this doesn't have to be the answer. :P

Firstly, we will hold the next tourney regularly so that Felix doesn't have to miss out on being the host of a cool tour (Kinda funny that the Avatar Tour is going to be held with the popularity of Avatar on Netflix going up).

Second, the main problem that has surfaced is that the people who wanted to participate in the tours aren't and the people now may not want to do so. So, my solution is to have voting and choosing the tour at signups, so that whoever participates wants to play whatever tour it becomes. This is a bit more complicated than it sounds, so here comes the long posts guy ™ explanation. :P

We can do this 2 ways: Loose or More refined. Loose is where you can vote for any tour on the designated thread when you signup like so:
Taking a note from Smogon's book here

Trippy Soup
GMT -4

First most Preferred
Second most Preferred
Third most Preferred

(you can vote for tournament thread formats and Smogon formats) 1st most gives 3 Points to the format, 2nd gives 2 Points, and 3rd gives 1 point. Whichever format is voted for with the most points wins. If there is a tie or all of the points are too spread out, the host can choose what regular format tour to do since the voting wasn't great.

The Refined version has the host pick a few formats (some from the thread and some normal) and have those as the only choices and have a format chosen as the default in case of a bad vote spread, so that the participants know exactly what to expect and still have freedom. An example with 6 choices may look like this:

Available formats:
I will Follow You e.e
The Avatar Tour
Super Staff Bros Brawl for DB
The Polytype Tour
[Gen7] Battle Factory Tour
UU Tour
(Default) OU Tour

Other than that, all of the hosting and participation rules apply. We also might want to make a new, fresh thread for tour ideas and not hide any tour ideas anymore. Or, alternatively, hide all of the bad tour ideas and un-hide good ones like I Will Follow You e.e and Maybe Mono-Arceus. And not hide ideas after they've been used. Cool tours deserved to be played every once in a while. :P

Hope I Helped!

What's your thoughts on this? Hope it wasn't a waste of your time. :P

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I think the host shouldn't be allowed to repeat past tournaments.
What happens when all tournaments are past tournaments? What happens when all participants want to play past tournaments? :P

People don't stop having OU Tours because they had an OU Tour. I just feel like if participants want to have an old tourney they should be able to. :P

I guess the voting list should favor more new tours than old. A ratio for old to regular format to new tours on the list could be 1 : 2 : 3. :P
That tournament ideas thread isn't going to run out of ideas anytime soon.
That's not to say that it will run out of good ideas that people want to do. :P

I'm just saying there is a lack of regular and redone tour ideas and that might be something worth looking into. :P