Meta-PokéBase Q&A
1 vote

Ok, I’ve been putting a Doubles team for the Battle Tree/Link Battles together, and I wanted to ask what would be good teamates for my current 2 Pokémon.

If I were to ask this, would it go in RMT or Pokebase? Just asking for future reference, and so I don’t get my question closed :P

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not gonna answer bc idk where to cite any specific ruling but it's always been pokebase
I'll support the claim made by melcakes by saying that this question was allowed

1 Answer

2 votes
Best answer

It depends on the kind of question you're asking. If you're simply going to name a Pokemon and ask for Pokemon that pair well with it, then you should post on the main section. It's a general question that isn't particular to any strategy.

But, if you've already built half a team (i.e. including movesets) and you're looking for a way to finish it, then you should post it on the RMT section. Now the issue has more to do with your particular build, and advice for that has always belonged on the RMT section.

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Thank you for clearing this up! :)