Meta-PokéBase Q&A
10 votes

So if you're in the Discord server, you'll know there was just a conversation about dupes and stuff. It was asked if there was anything about dupes in the rules- I just read them and couldn't find anything about it.

As everyone probably knows, there has been a lot of BA-selecting by the Mods. BAs are an important part of Pokebase from what I've seen, and adding selecting a BA to the Pokebase rules would probably help this. This is currently the only thing about BAs in the rules as far as I can tell:

You can also select one answer as the best by clicking the tick icon. This would usually be the highest-voted answer but it can be whichever you feel answered your question best or explained things more clearly.

So I humbly ask Pokemaster to add these things to the Pokebase rules/general netiquette:

  1. No duplicate accounts. Moderators will automatically ban any duplicate accounts and you will be given a warning to not make any more.
  2. If an answer helped you, you must select a Best Answer by clicking the green checkmark in the top left. Choose the answer that helped you the most.

If anyone has any more suggestions/detail or anything, please leave a comment.

Oh here’s another idea:
Mabye put something along the lines of “don’t swear too much” in the rules
I dont see why swearing would be a problem, however I 110% agree with the rules KyogrePulse suggested
this page has started to get an influx of "younger" users, so I can understand where primal is coming from
Perhaps something about buddyvoting as well. I think that'd be useful, and I don't recall seeing it in the rules page.
What I’m actually talking about is when it’s been said multiple times by multiple users and I’m pretty sure mods to “chill on the swearing” when users swear too much.
I have a very long post that I've been sitting on for months on this very topic. I want to run it through the others before I do anything with it. Stay tuned.
Making Best Answers a rule implies that failure to select one will result in a warning/ban which is super unnecessary. Especially because plenty of questions go without having a definitive answer to call best. Forgetting to select it isn't an issue that needs to be fixed and you should be allowed to intentionally leave it blank because there's a reason that "No Selected Answer" is a browsable tab.
Yeah I should mention that I don't agree BAs should be part of the rules either. I think it is good to make the feature more visible (which we'll do by hopefully linking in the rules), but there shouldn't be pressure from the rules list.
I've mentioned before that I think the asker should have control, and we'll step in when it seems somebody simply doesn't know the feature exists (or hasn't returned to PokeBase since asking the question).
I like dupes but not ba,s

I feel that would seem to force new users to select things that didn't help them or were not completely done etc. Just cause they don't wanna break the rules

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