Meta-PokéBase Q&A
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i recently got banned for talking about inappropriate stuff in the chat room (sorry) and the moderator said that i would be banned for 3 days, but it took a week to get unbanned. I'm curios how the system works and why i got unbanned late.

PX literally told you on your wall lmfao
“Inappropriate”? Actually- never mind I don’t want to know
You Definently do not want to know

1 Answer

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Best answer

The banning and unbanning isn't automatic. Mods have to go into your profile and do the ban/unban themselves. There's no timer for bans.

When I asked PX about unbanning you, she forgot she mentioned it was a temp ban.

She just forgot, basically.

Source: I'm the one who asked the mods about unbanning you (please don't make me regret reminding her)

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Also like primal said, she said she was doing other things on your wall LMAO