Meta-PokéBase Q&A
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Do they look at the new users tab and look at some newer users to see if they have the same IP as another? Or do they get some sort of alert or notification?


1 Answer

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Best answer

Without giving too much away, there is a list of activity we can see for each IP address. If the same accounts have activity under the same IP address, then it's obvious what's happening.

Generally, IP addresses are not the first step toward sussing out a dupe account, though. With experience, it becomes easier to tell when something might be up, and then you can go investigating activity lists.

The only time I've ever used the new users list was to deal with Josh Kool, since he'd make a new account daily at around the same time.

There are no proper notifications for accounts on the same IP address, but Pokemaster said in the past it's something he's interested in.

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