Meta-PokéBase Q&A
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Do mods/editors have something special about them. I mean I've been looking through some questions and noticed mods got more points for answering a question WITHOUT adding any information.Examples, here a lot of replays by mods have got upvoted however,other people posted replays of say...random battles and got no upvotes.And random r-m-t's get upvoted like here .

P.S. Im not blaming anyone here please don't think of me as a butt.

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1 Answer

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Best answer

There's two main reasons to this. One is maybe a little more sketchy than the other though.

  1. Mods have been promoted because they know their stuff. Most if not all answers from a mod a straight to the point, easy to understand and will even include other information sometimes. Therefore their questions deserve more points.

  2. Even though you can't see who upvoted you - unless you happen to be PM - people still seem to upvote a mods question / answer because they want to be in their good books.

Number two isn't fact but it's likely that this is one of the reasons mods rack up the points.

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