Meta-PokéBase Q&A
4 votes

I'm not sure if I should ask this here, but when will the Spoiler Tag that allows you to hide questions that have the tag "Crown Tundra" go away? It's been over 5 months since Crown Tundra was released.


2 Answers

2 votes
Best answer

I have removed the spoiler tag now. As GBX said I'm not the most punctual :D but mainly it doesn't really matter too much if the spoiler tag is still in use, you could turn it off.

selected by

youre the first person to refer to him as that
2 votes

While I'm not sure for certain, I've got a few possible reasons as to why it's still up:

  • For one, there might well be people just getting the Crown Tundra now, meaning the spoiler may still be appreciated.

  • I'm fairly sure that previous spoiler tags go down around the time a new game comes out (could someone fact check me on that?), therefore you can probably expect it to be gone by the time BDSP come out.

  • Pokemaster isn't always the most... punctual (Love you PM it's just a fact I've observed). He doesn't always get around to things immediately, and as such he may have simply just forgotten to get rid of the spoiler tag.

  • Finally, why does it really matter? Does it impact you negatively? Just toggle it off if you want to see Crown Tundra questions.

Hope I helped!
