Meta-PokéBase Q&A
–3 votes

Since MissingNo is a usable Pokémon, it should be here.

Missingno is an unintended glitch and is not part of any official media.

If we were to put Missingno in, we would have to account for every other glitch in Pokémon.

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My answer isn't necessarily concrete, but I'm almost certain I'm correct when I say this almost definitely isn't going to happen. Stephwheel put it rather well: if Missingno was added, every other glitch Pokemon would have to be as well. Missingno wasn't an intentional part of the game, it's not an official Pokemon, etc. There's simply no point in PM expending the time to create new pages entirely dedicated to glitch Pokemon.

Additionally, think of all the other pages that would come with the glitch Pokemon. New types, new evolution methods, new moves... it's a lot of work for very little profit whatsoever.

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