Meta-PokéBase Q&A
7 votes

Lately, there’s been an influx of immature users. Users who refuse to listen to staff, users who constantly post low-quality questions, users who throw tantrums in the chatroom, and more. I believe a maturity requirement to be a user on this site will help filter out the less mature members, while not discriminating our younger members and not validating the same behaviours of older members.

My thought behind this is if a user causes enough of the headache, and multiple warnings from staff and advice from other users won’t change their behaviour, staff can decide together if a ban for “inappropriate behaviour”* is acceptable, and follow through.

*disclaimer: inappropriate behaviour does not necessarily mean NSFW; just means it isn’t appropriate for site standards. In this case, the maturity level.

In other words, I believe maturity level should be taken into consideration for our user base, and potentially be a bannable offence. What do you guys think?

Please excuse my poor wording; I’m not the best at explaining myself. Please do not hesitate to ask for clarification or voice your opinions. This is exclusively my personal option on a problem and my idea at solving it.

Why would that be necessary?
Read the OP..?
I feel it would still be idiotic to add maturity rules for this site. It's used a lot basically worldwide and just doing that all of a sudden may confuse said users.
We've already said we're not adding rules like that.
Cool. I didn't think so.

1 Answer

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Best answer

I have three opinions on this:

  1. As others mentioned, it's hard to make a good/fair rule based around one vague quality. I'd also feel bad banning people under a "maturity" rule, since it basically amounts to a personal attack (which might be warranted, but it certainly won't make people like you).
  2. Maturity can be enforced indirectly using other (more particular) rules. If there are lots of problem users making bad questions, getting upset etc then our rules are not tight enough. (Stay tuned!)
  3. We/I was too slow to deal with some of the people mentioned in this thread. Won't happen again.

As other have mentioned, we've ended up banning people who were considered "immature" before. I think the main things that need to change are a) harsher rules and b) faster bans instead of repeated warnings. The former is coming soon (actually soon), and I guess the latter is already happening.

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I guess if we have faster bans, it'll gonna be nicer. And yeah lol we need some stronger rules. Also what about temporary bans so the the user *does* get some time to think?
Yeah temp bans is probably the way to go. Historically, my habit has been to repeatedly warn people and eventually give them a lengthy (2+ weeks) ban, but maybe now I'll do shorter bans (maybe 5-7 days) after fewer warnings. Other staff have told me for ages that I'm too lenient, so you can trust they're already on board lol.
I feel that shorter bans + fewer warning would be better, yeah. The bad users don't listen to warnings x].