Meta-PokéBase Q&A
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Tags are keywords that help categorise questions. For example, if I ask whether Foul Play is a good move for Krookodile in Black/White playthroughs, I might use the tags krookodile, black-white, gen-5, and foul-play.

Tags allow you to see lists of all questions about a particular topic. For example, you can see all questions about competitive play via the competitive tag, and all questions about priority using the priority tag.

To add tags to your question, simply type them into the "tags" box. Each tag is separated by a space, so you don't need to use commas. To join multiple words into one tag, use hyphens; for example, hidden-ability and gen-4.

Avoid using "useless" tags. For example, don't put rate-my-team when posting on the RMT section. Don't use multiple tags that say the same thing (example: you only need one of update, patch and new-version).

You need at least 100 points on the section you're using to create a brand new tag. Until then, use pre-existing tags; the "suggested" tags will update as you type, so always look for the best tags for your question.
