Meta-PokéBase Q&A
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I noticed a few months ago the sprites for the National Dex were changed from their official art to their Pokémon Home Sprites.

I don't know why it was changed but I thought it looked much better before.

Personally, I think the Home sprites look fine to me
I'm pretty sure this was done as a result of Gens 1 - 7 using the Bank sprites, while the Gen 8 Pokemon used their menu sprites, as well as to match the shinydex.

1 Answer

2 votes

We never had the "official art" as the sprites. We previously used sprites from Pokemon Bank, which were basically the same as those from ORAS. Funny enough the Home sprites mirror the official art closely (exact same poses).

Anyway I changed it to make it consistent since Bank only went up to Gen 7. And with Pokemon missing from each new game now, Home is the only "canonical" source of consistent sprites (even if their colouring is a bit odd IMO).
