Meta-PokéBase Q&A
5 votes

This page contains external links for content that isn't covered by PokeBase's three main sections. Resources here should be current and satisfy a need that PokeBase doesn't address directly. Please contact staff if you have suggestions for additions to this list.

Index: trades, in-game teams, merchandise appraisal, discussion forums, Pokemon Go FCs, Friend Safari FCs, official customer support, art, fan games


1 Answer

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Best answer

None of these sites are affiliated with PokeBase or PokemonDB.

Trading Pokemon

Rating in-game teams

Merchandise appraisal

  • For TCG cards. Put the set your card belongs to into the dropdown and then Ctrl+F for your card. Has a reputation for showing the lowest price you can get.
  • eBay advanced search: Put the precise name of your product into the keywords box. Under "Search including", uncheck all except "Sold items". Sort the results by highest price or lowest price depending on your preference.

General discussion forums

  • Bulbagarden Forums: General purpose Pokemon forum.
  • Serebii Forums: General purpose Pokemon forum.
  • Smogon Forums: Focused on the competitive game and its bespoke battle formats. Also has large subforums for other purposes.
  • Reddit: Anything Pokemon-related that might have its own community, probably does on Reddit. There are many communities that will accept discussions and fan content that is out of place on PokeBase. Care adult content is allowed on Reddit.
  • PokeBeach Forums: Focused on the TCG.
  • Project Pokemon Forums: Focused on save editing (especially PKHeX), hacks/mods, and hardware.
  • PokeCommunity: The best traditional forum for fan-curated content.
  • GameFAQs boards: Discussion tailored to each Pokemon game, including spin-offs.
  • PokeCharms: Has an active roleplaying subforum if you're into that.
  • A lot of communities exist primarily or entirely on Discord.

Pokemon Go Friend Code exchange

Friend Safari code exchange

  • SafariCode: Dedicated platform for adding 3DS friends based on their Friend Safari.
  • r/friendsafari: Largest forum for adding Safari FCs, requesting particular Safaris, etc.

Nintendo, etc. support

Sharing art

Frequently-posted fan games

edited by
this is really helpful, thank you @fizz