Meta-PokéBase Q&A
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Wasn't quite sure if this question belongs in Meta or PokeBase, so I erred on the side of caution, as I thought.

I've just seen answers to this question - - saying that Shellos is available in ORAS, and the page for Shellos also says it's available in ORAS on Routes 103 and 110, yet Shellos is not listed in the Regional Dex ( Shellos' page itself also seems to contradict itself, saying it's not in ORAS at the top, but at the bottom of the page, says otherwise. (
I must be missing something because this information seems to be conflicting. Can anyone explain the reason for this?


1 Answer

1 vote

In ORAS, there's this handy little features called the Dex Nav. It allows you to search for Hidden Pokemon (Pokemon that appear in the Dex Nav), which can get you encounters without having to search in the tall grass. It also allows you to chain Pokemon for Higher Levels, Hidden Abilities, Perfect IVs, Egg Moves, items (for certain Pokemon), and gets you a higher shiny chance (this is a heavily oversimplified explanation, you can read more about it here.)

Now, after you obtain the National Dex (which is Gens 1-6 for these games, you get it after beating/catching the cover legendaries in ORAS), the range of Hidden Pokemon increase and allows you to search for specific Pokemon that aren't in the Regional Dex, depending on the Route you're on. Examples include Sewaddle, Zorua, and Lillipup on Route 101, Skorupi, Misdreavus, and Tympole on Route 114, and Trubbish, Chatot, and Shellos on Route 110. Shellos is only obtainable in ORAS using the Dex Nav after you get the National Dex, since it doesn't appear in the Regional Dex.

Additionally, if you clicked on the Route links, you'll see the encounters I listened under the Dex Nav section, which is specifically for Pokemon who appear via the Dex Nav after you get the National Dex. I can understand your confusion though, since the question you linked has no direct mention of the Dex Nav.

In short, the Database isn't wrong, you just needed to have knowledge of the Dex Nav. I hoped this cleared up any confusion.

edited by
It did, thank you very much. I haven't played any of the gen 6 games yet and I asked before having a chance to look through the site thoroughly, so that's what I missing. Thank you very much for the comprehensive answer, it's really helpful.
You're welcome!