Meta-PokéBase Q&A
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Why have you guys not updated Scarlet and Violet DLC dexs yet? Yes, you have put the separate DLC dexs as their own things, but you didn't include version exclusives on the version exclusive page like you did with Sword and Shield. In the Sword and Shield version exclusive, you separated them including the version exclusives of the DLCs, but you didn't do so with the Scarlet and Violet. I'm sure that people would want that update at some point, so they don't get on one of the games expecting to catch all the DLCs in the same game. I have played both version of the DLCs and can say right now that there are version exclusive Pokémon. A few of them being the Swords of Justice and Beasts only being catchable in the versions that have their Paradox forms unless I am missing something with that one guys treats.

The site is run by one person who hasn't gotten around to it yet.

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